Heretic Movie Plot
Two young missionaries, seeking to spread their message, find themselves in a nightmare when they knock on the door of the sinister Mr. Reed. Trapped inside his home, they must rely on their faith and wits to survive a harrowing battle of life and death.
Heretic Movie director and writer
This flim is written and directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods.
Heretic Movie Cast Details
Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher, and Chloe East are in the lead roles in Heretic. In this film, we get to see more than one character and the acting of all these characters is also very good in the film.
Heretic Movie Songs
This movie songs and background music is composed by Chris Bacon. so, All the songs of the film Heretic are superhit and people are liking all the songs very much.
Heretic Movie Release Date
Heretic made its debut at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 8, 2024. Initially set for a U.S. theatrical release on November 15, the date was later advanced to November 8. Audiences in the United Kingdom and Ireland got an earlier preview, with the film hitting theaters there on November 1.
Heretic Movie Budget and collection
A total of $10 million has been spent in making the film Heretic, but so far this film has earned an estimated $31.9 million at the box office. There is no estimate of how much this film will earn in the future. but we will update you as soon as we find out.
Heretic Full HD Movie Online
If you want to watch Heretic movie legally in full HD then you will get the full movie on Google TV otherwise you will be able to watch only the trailer from here.
Heretic Movie Trailer